Archives from August 2016

Five Things You Need To Know About Your Wedding Coordinator

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As much as we wish we were J-Lo, ain't nobody wearing heels while working a wedding.


Photo Credit: Rachel Girouard Photography

1) We’ve done this before

The planning process is a delicate balance between sharing expertise and being open to the couple’s vision. For us coordinators, this means that we have to be great listeners while also having the creative capacity to tap into past experience and utilize it to make this new vision work. For brides, this means that you have to trust your coordinator. We know what we are doing and we will not lead you astray!

2) This is a job, not a hobby

If I had a nickel for every time someone said to me, “I’ve thought about going into event planning, I would love to do this on the side”, I would be very, very wealthy. Event planning and coordination at this level is not a hobby. We dedicate 60+ hours a week to ensuring that our clients are taken care of and that visions become a reality. While some folks have the organizational skills consistent with event planning backgrounds, not everyone is cut out to be in this business, and we’ve worked very hard to get to where we are today.

3) Your wedding day is indescribably important to us

We do not look at you and see a number, or a date. We look at you and see a beautiful bride with wedding dreams that we will do absolutely anything under the sun to make come true. When you are upset, we are upset. When you are happy, we are happy. We hate saying “no.” We will go above and beyond to ensure that this is the best day of your life. We care about you, immensely.

4) This job is physical…and emotional

We are on our feet for 14+ hours a day. We run, sweat, climb, lift…and this is all before the wedding itself even begins. We deal with drunk guests, rude guests, guests who completely lose sight of the fact that this day is not about them. We skip meals to set up your décor and redo paperwork for the 7th time when you add in another guest, all the while keeping a smile. It is hard on our bodies, and even harder on our minds.

5) We wouldn’t trade it for the world

A lot of people ask me if my job is fun. While there are fun moments, my job is without a doubt the most rewarding aspect of my life. There is nothing better than pulling off a great surprise from a bridesmaid, or getting to know your parents, or seeing you and your new spouse smile together as you take it all in. So why do I do it? Because even after my craziest day, there is still a happy couple that makes it all worth it.

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